2018/19 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LUBS3140 Behavioural Finance

10 Credits Class Size: 60

Module manager: Shima Amini
Email: S.Amini@lubs.leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2018/19


LUBS2205 Corporate Finance

Mutually Exclusive

LUBS2035 Finance for Small Business

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module, students should be able to:
(1) Critique the rational perspective of modern finance theory.
(2) Identify the heuristics and biases that affect financial decisions.
(3) Explain how heuristics and biases influence investor behaviour and the functioning of the financial markets.

Learning outcomes

This module aims to provide students with an alternative view to the rational perspective of modern finance theory. Drawing on insights from psychology the module explores the psychological biases in financial decision making, and examines the impact of these biases on investor behaviour and asset pricing.

Skills outcomes

- Ability to critique rational perspective of modern finance theory.
- Ability to understand how heuristics and biases impact investor behaviour and financial markets.
- Ability to apply behavioural concepts to understand specific applications in financial markets.


Foundations and theoretical developments:
- Foundations of modern finance theory and efficient markets
- Limits to arbitrage
- Investor psychology: heuristics and biases
- Prospect theory, loss aversion and mental accounting
- Risk perception and preference: risk averse or loss averse
- Behavioural portfolio theory

Applications (selection of applications to be covered):
- Equity premium puzzle
- Excess volatility
- Momentum and herding
- Overreaction and underreaction
- Investor overconfidence
- Disposition effect and house money effect: prior outcomes
- Investor sentiment and emotions in financial decisions

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Lecture 11 1.5 16.5
Seminar 5 1 5
Private study hours 78.5
Total Contact hours 21.5
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 100

Private study

Follow on reading from lectures and preparation for classes. Students will be expected to contribute to discussion in the classes. Completion of on-line MCQ tests.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

The methods of formative feedback used on the module include:
- Class discussion of required reading;
- On-line MCQ tests.

Exam type Exam duration % of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc) 2.0 Hrs 0 Mins 100
Total percentage (Assessment Exams) 100

The resit for this module will be 100% by 2 hour examination.

Reading List

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 12/12/2018

Errors, omissions, failed links etc should be notified to the Catalogue Team